HW Creativity

One way new media fosters creativity is that it allows people to be inspired and create things on their own. Whether its avatars or music mashups. In the article The New math of mashups by Sasha Frere-Jones, "Using digital software, Brown isolated instrumental elements of “Debra,” a song by Beck from his 1999 album “Midnite Vultures.” Brown, who is thirty-three and has studied with Max Roach, adjusted the tempo of “Debra” and added live drums and human beat-box noises that he recorded at his small but tidy house in Long Island City. Then he sifted through countless a-cappella vocals archived on several hard drives." This is done by many DJs today. Where they will take songs and distort it or take 2 songs and combine it together. With new media people can be inspired by other works and create something completely new with it


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