Blog: Next New

A new type of new media that currently doesn't exist is where employees from different companies come to discuss issues or anything they have at work anonymously with coworkers or competitors. We would verify they work at a company through a picture of an ID or a paystub to make sure there isn't any people lying. The reason for this type of new media would be equaling the playing field against these corporations. I know there might groups on facebook and reddit but those groups might be hard to find and also the people aren't necessarily "verified".


  1. Hi Yong,

    With LinkedIn being primarily for business owners or administrators and confidentiality being non existent, I believe your idea is a great business proposal. With employees of rival companies undergoing similarities and significant differences in the work environment, your service would enable workers to better understand what they might or might not be missing out on in their rivals company. Overall, great idea!


  2. Hi... great idea. Actually Glassdoor does a good job. The issue is with that verification process you are mentioning. I know for a fact that one of the managers of a company I worked for was logging in as an employee to post praising comments about the company. On the other hand, there ar grumpy employees that post unjust reviews about there employer. Trying to think of a practical approach that will guarantee sincere participation and unfortunately I can't.


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