Blog: Privacy

In terms of new media, there's issues of privacy and confidentially. One issue is that we have to trust the platform that we are giving our information to. In terms of what are they going to do with it and are they able to keep it safe. In the article "University of Maryland computer security Breach exposes 300,000 records", the University of Maryland was compromised in a computer security breach, an outside source gained access to a secure records database that holds information dating to 1998, this included names and social security numbers. Although this case may not be related to new media. it shows the importance of if a platform is able to keep your information safe.


  1. Hello Yong Mei
    Privacy is now really become a sensitive issue. With the advancements new media it also a threat for the users. By using the public profile of any social media any promotion can pop up in the black. It is quite surprising that some of the brand use the some brand use the information form the people you are connected with and can send the marketing catalog. I am agreeing with you in the matter that people should trust their platform and also they should share the least amount of information which would not become threat for themselves.


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