Social Networking: a purposeful loss of privacy

I chose to do my project on Social Networking: a purposeful loss of privacy because I think this applies to everyone who has social media. I want to talk about we willingly share our lives online to other people. For me, I rarely use social media but the things people are willing to share is too much in my opinion. Social media isn't private you aren't really sharing with your close friends but sharing with everyone, sure you can set your accounts to private but I highly doubt anyone will just have like 5 friends on Facebook or Instagram, they usually add people they met a couple of times or sometimes just hit the accept friend request button. There is also another side to this, some people have made a career of sharing their entire lives through "vlogging". So they in a sense sacrificed their privacy for fame and money. I also want to touch upon FOMO (Fear of missing out) because I think this is a consequence of social media. FOMO is basically when you see other people's social medias and you think they are living a better life than you are because of all the fun pictures or videos they may post. Overall, I want to research about the consequences of posting every detail of our lives but also talk about how people were able to leverage it into a career.


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