
Blog: Next New

A new type of new media that currently doesn't exist is where employees from different companies come to discuss issues or anything they have at work anonymously with coworkers or competitors. We would verify they work at a company through a picture of an ID or a paystub to make sure there isn't any people lying. The reason for this type of new media would be equaling the playing field against these corporations. I know there might groups on facebook and reddit but those groups might be hard to find and also the people aren't necessarily "verified".

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have been reading through the wiki’s that I am familiar with seeing if there’s anything I can add or elaborate. I have added to the MMOPRG and Fashion page. For MMOPRG I added some aspects of the game for Maplestory that I thought was missing from the page this is a game i used to play back when i was in middle school. For fashion, I added some of the changes that Supreme has been through recently, as I thought the information in the wiki is a little outdated. 

Blog: P2P

File sharing is the practice of or ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the Internet. P2P file sharing is Peer to Peer filing sharing, which is people sharing files with one another. One example of P2P file sharing is Napster In the article "Digital Pirates winning battle with studios, "Hollywood may at last be having its Napster moment — struggling against the video version of the digital looting that capsized the music business. Media companies say that piracy — some prefer to call it “digital theft” to emphasize the criminal nature of the act — is an increasingly mainstream pursuit" This is one of the "bad" effects of p2p sharing its beneficial for everyone except the people who created the content because they won't get the credit for it. I think p2p filing sharing will be used a lot of its easy. I've been downloading music from these sites until apple music came out. which made getting music so much easier and i...

Blog: Advice

I think one issue that has been circling with Baruch for many years is getting people to hangout around campus. Being that this is a commuter school people tend to just come for class and then go straight home. I would incorporate social media more heavily in the school to share what events are happening around campus, and also live stream the events so even if people are unable to come, they feel more connected with the school.

Blog: Privacy

In terms of new media, there's issues of privacy and confidentially. One issue is that we have to trust the platform that we are giving our information to. In terms of what are they going to do with it and are they able to keep it safe. In the article "University of Maryland computer security Breach exposes 300,000 records", the University of Maryland was compromised in a computer security breach, an outside source gained access to a secure records database that holds information dating to 1998, this included names and social security numbers. Although this case may not be related to new media. it shows the importance of if a platform is able to keep your information safe.

HW Creativity

One way new media fosters creativity is that it allows people to be inspired and create things on their own. Whether its avatars or music mashups. In the article The New math of mashups by Sasha Frere-Jones, " Using digital software, Brown isolated instrumental elements of “Debra,” a song by Beck from his 1999 album “Midnite Vultures.” Brown, who is thirty-three and has studied with Max Roach, adjusted the tempo of “Debra” and added live drums and human beat-box noises that he recorded at his small but tidy house in Long Island City. Then he sifted through countless a-cappella vocals archived on several hard drives." This is done by many DJs today. Where they will take songs and distort it or take 2 songs and combine it together. With new media people can be inspired by other works and create something completely new with it

Creativity and New Media

For this assignment I went and downloaded second life and created an avatar. This fosters creativity because I wanted to create something weird because its a game and I can do anything I want. My avatar on a horse is a start. Something similar to second life, Nintendo just released a game calling Animal Crossing its similar to second life as it is used as a way to escape the real world. It's just more updated and more fun in my opinion to second life.